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EXCEL Program

Masterclass in Legal Framework, Corporate Liability, Corruption Risk Management & Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan

Program Benefits

Enhancing Company Compliance

Provide disclosure and understanding of the negotiation framework of the MACC Act 2009, especially Section 17A and related laws.


Provide knowledge on Corruption Risk Management (CRM) techniques using the Responsible, Accountable, Consulted & Informed (RACI) evaluation process.


Provide understanding and knowledge to participants regarding the needs of different levels and processes of control (intervention) and how to access the organisation's readiness for change.


Provide knowledge to participants to prepare a systematic risk management action plan so as to create the best governance that can close the space of opportunities for corruption, abuse of power and malpractice.


Understand the need for Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) to be developed & identify organisational corruption scenarios.


Identify appropriate processes and methods in developing OACP.


Program Benefits

Learning Outcomes

A Competent Professional Who Can:

Detect, prevent and respond to corruption towards a more ethical business culture


Enhance reputation and image of the organisation by providing legal compliance guarantees


Identify and manage corruption risks by establishing a risk-based Anti-Corruption Management System


Demonstrate benchmark of good practices in the Anti -Corruption Management System


Improve awareness, efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation in managing risks associated with corruption


Application of organisational anti-corruption practices


Instill confidence and trust to potential partners and investors


Learning Outcomes

Training Outline

  • Anti-Corruption Laws

  • ​Section 17A



  • NACP & OACP: The Need to Develop an Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan

  • Anti-Corruption: Law & Internal Control

  • OACP Development Process - Data Analysis

  • Corruption Risk Assessment through Corruption Risk Management (CRM)

  • OACP Development Process - Action Plan & *M&E Methods

  • OACP Development Process - Preparation of OACP Template

  • Practical Training: Data Analysis

  • Practical Training: Corruption Risk Assessment (CRA)

  • Practical Training: Action Plan & *M&E Methods

  • Practical Training: Preparation of OACP Template


Training Fee (Per Pax)

RM 20,000

RM 12,000 

Learn More About

MACC (Amendment)
Act 2018 :

Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 :

Training Outline
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